Socail Media and Digital Stifling Creativity and Originality

To be ranked in the top echelon of social media and among SEOs (Search Engine Optimisers) companies, brands, products and services need to comply and to conform.


Being part of the norm is the one way that algorithms, which recognise nominated key words and therefore determine the ranking on the internet, conclude overall absolute and comparative rankings.


Originality, creativity and “daring to be different” are the losers.


So too are consumers and clients: There is increasing recognition that marketing, selling, promotion and broader communications are being commoditised, for the sake, and in pursuit of high rankings in the social media and digital worlds. Boring.


Another conspicuous consequence is the inappropriate and incomprehensible use of certain key words. Algorithms recognise words, they cannot and do not comprehend meanings and respect contexts, nuances and reference points.




A key and fundamental role for social media and online presence is to “drive” prospective customers to websites, premises or doorways. This reflects a very fundamental shift in the nature of “window shopping”. A majority of people now do it on-line.


However, it is important to note two pertinent features of the current marketplace:


•  Many “on-line visitors” are not qualified prospects. They represent the trend to mass non-discriminatory volume.


•  Some 65% of purchase processes which are commenced on-line are abandoned on-line. “Abandoned shopping trolleys” proliferate cyberspace. Where are those trolley-boys when you need them?




Transition from an unqualified, but connected suspect who has entered your digital realm to a better qualified prospect can be, and often is expedited by creative, original and different graphics, merchandising, packaging and word usage.


What is lacking in many instances is a lack of integration between the key words and graphics.




Nothing original here. Someone or something needs to effect closure of the sale.


The human quotient remains the most effective, efficient, perceptive and flexible means to recognise opportunities to increase the scope of the transaction, and the optimal time of when to conclude the deal.


By necessity and nature social media and digital marketing processes are pre-structured. That presupposes the designer is aware of all contributing factors – that is an unreasonable stretch.




Once again, the principle that technology and social media should complement, not replace human beings is highlighted and reinforced.


There are few, if any things that are more creative, original and different then people. Moreover, it is they, not algorithms that recognise, respond to and enjoy that which is creative, original and different.